Lessons Digital Marketers & Entrepreneurs Can Learn From This Pandemic

Another day and COVID-19 still hasn't gone away. This pandemic is a big learning lesson for everyone - individuals of any inclination and businesses of any size. For companies around the world, especially those that are less likely to invest in technology or have never needed any tech upgrade due to the nature of their business, the coronavirus serves as a wake-up call. Below are some of the lessons this virus pandemic has taught us:

1) Fear is not the answer

Digital marketers and entrepreneurs who capitalise on fear to gain traction and sales should humanise their marketing message. Fear is the last thing your existing and potential customers need during these uncertain times. Focus on conveying empowering messages instead. Highlight values that promote solidarity and hope. Sowing fear is neither an ethical nor a sustainable way to build a loyal clientele.

2) Sugarcoating is unnecessary

Everyone knows the extent of the damage the coronavirus pandemic has caused. If your business is undergoing difficulties, explain your situation clearly and honestly. There is no other way around it and it's not just you. We are, after all, on the same boat. If you have a continuity plan in place, it is best to tell your customers right away to assuage their fears.

3) Don't miss the silver linings

While difficulties are indeed present, as earlier mentioned, this pandemic is a huge wake-up call for businesses. Your resiliency is being put to the test and you are suddenly required to unleash your resourcefulness and creativity. Many company owners are also coming to terms with their strengths and weaknesses, hoping to amplify the former and remove or improve the latter once the dust settles. Doors may have closed on you because of this virus. But who knows how many more will open after the world recovers?  
If you're interested in re-designing your website or improving your online presence, our SEO company in Sydney is more than happy to be of service. Click here to view the testimony of one of our clients, whose business we've managed to grow successfully.


Arthur Choi

Arthur Choi

SEO Strategist

70% technical SEO, 30% offsite optimisation. Loves to strategise and build organic SEO campaigns for plumbers, excavators and e-commerce clients.

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