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Not-So-Secret Methods for Effective Email Marketing

Email, a tried and tested online marketing tool, has helped solidify what is known today as email marketing. Possibly the most established outreach method, studies show that email marketing can generate impressive results when used with the right strategies. Although sending email en masse appears more random than effective, proper email marketing actually adheres to certain principles. Similar to “formulas for success,” these principles help you reach out to more prospects, open more opportunities and increase your success rate.

1. Give Them A Specific Offer They Cannot Refuse

  Every marketer should communicate with their target audience following clear goals. These goals shall shape your marketing message – the things you say to your potential clients to convince them to buy a product or service. Your email must go beyond that of a “reminder”. You’re not there to simply inform your audience about your company’s existence. Otherwise, boredom sets in and they’d think your emails are repetitive. At the very least, add something interesting to spice up the conversation. Be specific about what you’re offering. And try not to beat around the bush when doing so. Tactfully inform your clients about your offer. Let them know in detail what’s in it for them. Remember, however, that email marketing is not a plain sales pitch. Try to tone down on the salesyness if you can help it. Just be specific about the offer then give your audience the option to click on your website. On your pages, they can discover more information, get a clear view of your offerings and decide whether to do business with you or not.

2. Connect With Your Audience

Though you may be specific about your offerings and keen enough to place a call to action link or button on your email, there’s still no guarantee you’ll get the conversions you need. Not all prospects will be interested in what you have to say – unless you’re sending the right signals their way. As a marketer, you shouldn’t be too concerned with the numbers. It will be more effective on your part if you think more about your customers’ actual needs. Your email must resonate with their personal sentiments. Moreover, your email may have been informative and specific but you could be sending it to the wrong people. So there’s no impact at all. That is why it’s important to have the right leads. Get a list of individuals or businesses that are likely to buy what you’re selling. Obtain insider information through legitimate channels if you must. Next, tailor your message to fit their requirements. You’ll land on the right target market and get some feedback in no time.

3. Converse Naturally

The language you use in your email marketing can make or break your chances of access. If you come on too strongly, your prospects won’t hesitate to hit the Spam button just to get rid of you. Your best bet would be to stop thinking like an advertiser. Instead, be an open and honest marketer. Make your clients understand that this is symbiosis - "buy something from me and I’ll give you a product or service that can surely satisfy you." That’s how the professionals do it. Pour in real data and highlight all the benefits. The potential client must realise that he or she will miss a lot by failing to buy what you offer. It doesn’t take much to spot an unnatural salesy spiel when you read or hear one. Hence, your conversation should not sound forced. It should be as natural as talking to a friend or an office mate. The more natural your email sounds, the less likely people will ignore it and the less likely you’re going to get spammed.  
Need help with your email marketing from a reputable SEO company in Australia? Click here for more information.


Arthur Choi

Arthur Choi

SEO Strategist

70% technical SEO, 30% offsite optimisation. Loves to strategise and build organic SEO campaigns for plumbers, excavators and e-commerce clients.

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